The best all in one Sudoku Trainer, Solver, Creator, Player and Puzzle Printer
available. Create unique Alphabetical puzzles found no where else.

The Solving and Training Screen

Click the Get it Here button for ordering information.
Clicking the PRINT PUZZLE button will print any puzzle on the, half finished or completed.

When the blue Train button is selected, the colored Solve Puzzle buttons bring up another window
where the Sudoku solving secrets are explained and demonstrated.

Puzzle numbers can be quickly entered by using the TAB key to move the cursor to each of the cells.
Puzzles are solved by clicking the colored Solve Puzzle buttons and watching the solutions appear.

Thousands of different puzzles at 4 difficulty levels can be created on the playing screen.
A ONE OF A KIND alphabet puzzle, only found here, can be easily created for play or printing.

The Screen shown here is smaller than actual size !!!



Solve Sudoku

Training Screen

Create & Print

Get it Here
